Thursday, October 28, 2010

Philippe Park part 1

As girls my sister and I were cared for by a couple named Hilda and George Shipley who had a strong belief that children should be outdoors at all costs (Catbird's first pair of baby shoes had holes in them from long Shipley paced walks.) We were toted around to every single county park from Tarpon to Seminole and Philippe Park in Safety Harbor was one of my favorites. The Shipleys and my memories with them come alive when I return to any park or open space. This gift is one that I hope to impart on John with the hope that (as timid as he can be) he will enjoy and explore.
Here John is exploring/pointing to the words on the plaque with a new found stick...

Then as per usual his ears perked at an engine noise overhead & his eyes searched the skies for;

Superman? "no"........ A flock of birds? "no"......... An airplane? "up up yes yes!"

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