Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010


Had to get John spiffed for Halloween and Ele knew just what to do! Trick him into his first big boy haircut with a treat, his very first lollipop.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Philippe Park Finale

"Don't call him Barnie!"

"Talk to my dirty croc foot!"

Philippe Park part 4

"I have made it to the top of the Indian mound!"
(followed by another airplane sighting)

"My uphill waddle is a little dorky/duck-like. I look much cooler going downhill!"

Philippe Park part 3

Swinging equals "WEEEEE"

Philippe Park part 2

"I LOVE sticks!"

Philippe Park part 1

As girls my sister and I were cared for by a couple named Hilda and George Shipley who had a strong belief that children should be outdoors at all costs (Catbird's first pair of baby shoes had holes in them from long Shipley paced walks.) We were toted around to every single county park from Tarpon to Seminole and Philippe Park in Safety Harbor was one of my favorites. The Shipleys and my memories with them come alive when I return to any park or open space. This gift is one that I hope to impart on John with the hope that (as timid as he can be) he will enjoy and explore.
Here John is exploring/pointing to the words on the plaque with a new found stick...

Then as per usual his ears perked at an engine noise overhead & his eyes searched the skies for;

Superman? "no"........ A flock of birds? "no"......... An airplane? "up up yes yes!"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Alphabet Soup

John is munching on frig magnets as nick jr illuminates his glazed hulu face, an excellent example of educational and constructive parenting. My mother of the year award should be coming in the mail any day now!

Friday, October 15, 2010

seesaw LIVE

Slow and cautious to start...

...but we got it up to speed with a smile!

Same Park Another Ride

Rule #1 of Seesawing: Safety first, hold on with BOTH hands (which means relinquishing snacks and sippy's worth the thrill ride)

Rule #2 of Seesawing: Concentrate, while making a serious face (DO NOT get distracted by small airplanes flying overhead see Rule #1)

Rule #3 of Seesawing: Have fun and sing "Up Up La La La" songs (smiling for the camera is optional)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dino Tamer

"Yes, I wrangled this Dino all by myself."

"Yes, he obeys without question."

"No, you may not take my sippy cup."


"This was one of my favorite activities at the park. It was fun to wobble about, roar/ferociously burp and (surprise) clutch my sippy cup with ease."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Quack Quack Bye

With the beautiful weather John and I found ourselves taking a walk around a local pond. John saw ducks and wanted to pet them. I saw an alligator. We ended our walk.

Publix Affection

"Oh Boy, Oh Boy, FOOD shopping!"

"Let's hurry this up I'm almost out of snacks."

"Plastic please, if I wasn't belted in here I'd help you out buddy."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

wild-n-crazy guy

King of our wild things mid rumpus. Rumpusing includes loud howling and stomping of feet with some monster dancing.

Monday, October 11, 2010

horse play

"This is my giant pony. I like to feed him snacks. I like to pet him. I'd like to ride him but my cries for "up up" aren't working. Thank you Aunt Betsy for the sweet and inadvertent loan. Don't you worry I'll take very good care of Mr. Pony and solve this mounting problem eventually....when mommy's not looking!"
-Signed John the pony and kitty lover

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I prefer a blurry lens (at a sizable distance) for images taken of me. But for John I needed and received a new camera that is able to capture his cuteness. So for it's debut I shot John's happy but futile attempt at taming his pig pen hair...I think we need a hair cut.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Smart Hat

This is a plastic kitchen funnel not a "CPSC approved toy." In the land of John it makes an excellent hat not only for himself but also for a selection of dolls/stuffed animals and sometimes an unwitting parent. I have named it "The Smart Hat" because I believe wearing it makes people look super smart. I also believe it's powers of smartness have shed light on John's language skills. We've been mistakenly interpreting his long bouts of baby talk as babble. Silly us, he obviously is having full and rather complicated conversations in Chinese (his new favorite nick jr. show being Ni Hao Kai-Lan!)
(Maybe Mommy needs to wear a smart hat when taking photos! Theses are very blurry but snapping a shot of John lately is an all over the place and unpredictable activity. Thanks to my dad's Birthday gift hopefully this problem will be resolved for future photos!)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Excuse me where do you think you are going?!"

Eric dropping John off on his way to work at the "Bic"kery...
... and John on the horn explaining that he had other plans!

Monday, October 4, 2010

"beep boop beep beep"

While visiting with family at Oupa's, John found a working phone and a new favorite "toy!" This new pass time went uninterrupted until of course a dialing noise or a non-English speaking voice was heard.

Friday, October 1, 2010

growing up

John is now at 21+ months. Everyday he looks less and less like a baby boy..... (mommy sigh of sadness!)