Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time (among other things) Flies!

As we advance from crawling to running & bottles to sippy cups, we enter new territory. Speed & curiosity mixed with independent drinking can lead to the understanding of yet another baby product & AH-HA moment. Specifically, why it's good to purchase things labeled "spill proof!"
Other New Parent AH-HAs: Why it's good that baby books have thick cardboard-like pages, because teething babies will destroy them! Why it's good that babies throw food on the floor, because while crawling they may want a snack! Why it's good that plastic bags come with suffocation warnings, because babies LOVE them like catnip! Why it's good that one giggle or smile erases a day full of frustrations, because they are worth it & won't be babies forever!


  1. Why do babies love plastic bags? Is it the rustling sound? Even Allison is drawn to them... weird.

  2. The noise, the feel, I have no idea. But when I discovered his surprising interest in all things plastic and rustling it made me say "Ohhh that's why they have warnings!"
