Monday, June 28, 2010

acorn hunter

Collecting deck debris is a fun pass time. Eating deck debris is not recommended.

High and Low

Another day another dance move. This one involves spinning (well more like twirling.) Side note: For one to have another dance move one must have a another musical toy to play over and over again, which makes one's mommy cringe.


The name of this posting is appropriately titled "driving." Because in our home John is behind the wheel and we are along for the ride. He drives us to be better people. He drives us to be two steps ahead. He drives us to tears. He drives us to belly laugh. And on rare occasions he drives me to the Mommy Juice!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

techie in training

"omg... lol... wwed..."
(oh my goodness... laugh out loud... what would elmo do... )

"Can you hear me now?
Today John rounded the couch happily babbling away and pressing buttons (aka baby texting.) While MIA for a few minutes, he found and rummaged through Eric's work bag where he discovered his cell phone. Which begs the question is being a techie genetic, answer YES!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dance Fever

"The more the merrier" is John's musical toy philosophy. We started this little routine of feverish dancing and pressing all available buttons (over and over) yesterday. If it weren't for his cute little "Happy Feet" move I think I might go crazy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

problem solving

Due to growing interest I've recently had to fence the fireplace. John is still figuring out how to gain access. His latest plan is to collect random toys, toss them into the no baby zone and then become incensed until they're recovered. The "aggravate/tire mama" theory is not totally successful, but also not totally stupid!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Dinner

"Sarah ...
doesn't do breakfast.
Feel free to fix your own lunch.
When will we go out for dinner?"
Sarah... did however cook up a nice Father's day dinner of meat and potatoes thanks to her new favorite discovery Bertolli Bag Meals. Ten minutes in a skillet and I'm able to serve a really yummy meal that will actually be eaten. As you may already know I will not be appearing on Top Chef anytime soon. I have a creative approach to following recipes which hasn't served me well. My habit of substituting/MacGyvering ingredients, instead of running to the store, has produced some true atrocities. For example if you need cottage cheese for a recipe I would not suggest combining shredded mozzarella and sour cream as a substitute. The consistency maybe similar but the outcome not so successful. Needless to say my husband is the chef of our little family and thank heavens for that! I am constantly amazed and appreciative for all of his patience, love and hard work.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Routine: a little scattering of toys, a little saliva and skimming of a few books, all good in a day's play!

Lock Out

The ever curious and industrious John surveying how to get in trouble since being barricaded out ....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Utensils mean Business

"I would like to acknowledge my parent's interest/preoccupation/excitement with my independent feeding and drinking. I know I am capable of these and many other basic tasks but still many times prefer being served. I liken myself to a Star or more specifically the Sun AKA Center of all things. So I feel it's necessary to take my role seriously (note the very businessy Tie Bib!)"
-from the Bumbo Thrown of Mr. Capable John, vigorous pointer and grunter
As the parent of a child with a full and confident personality I am pleased that he has chosen to work with utensils during feeding time, which is never really taken seriously or with a compromising attitude. We pick the spoon over the spork (spoon and fork combo), the spork over the fork and mommy feeding us directly over all others. No joke his favorite "palate cleanser" is to be hand fed grapes. I arrive to John's table ready to please and entertain all the while trying to covertly insert nutrition and motor skills.
-from John's Jester,crumb collector and main servant MAMA

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Grabby and Gross

The creatures in my house live in harmony, more accurately passive aggressive harmony. John grabs at the cats' faces, tummies and rears. Thankfully they go limp while he is behaving dominantly. It's later when the cats, Moe and Jo toss hair ball cookies all over his toys that their true feelings are expressed.
Side Note: When I asked my mother if she enjoyed this blog and appreciated the credit I gave her in naming it, her response was quote"I wasn't kidding." I love this woman!!!!!

"Me thinks I is cute"

Playing to the usual.

Monday, June 14, 2010

No Hands

"My new favorite apparatus is this sippy/straw drinking cup thanks to Miss Sally. I've become quite a pro at independent drinking. I don't even need my hands."
Signed, the Master Mischief Multi-tasker

Where could he be?

and what could he be up to?.....when in doubt check the pantry!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hovering Hiney

John has perfected sitting on cushions, cats, etc. but is not totally trusting of chairs that rock.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


"Rest in peace pjs, pride & parenting" is the theme for today, which was a day of ...surprises.
The first surprise was great, our Queen Bee Sally stopped by for some face time with John & to drop off some super adorable outfits. Then things took a turn.
The next "surprise" comes with this preface; because I had been at home & obviously not expecting company I was wearing my most beloved, over-sized & uber-ancient pajamas. So while standing in the driveway chatting to Miss Sally I realize that the rip in my pjs has grown to an obscene size & that I'd been flashing/frightening the neighborhood, & oncoming traffic the entire time.
If that wasn't enough terror for one day John surprised me when he got his arm stuck in the handle of the coffee table. It took a good 15 minutes of screaming & greasing to squeeze it free, followed by a gazillion kisses to make it better & at the end of today a BIG glass of Mommy Juice to make me feel better!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time (among other things) Flies!

As we advance from crawling to running & bottles to sippy cups, we enter new territory. Speed & curiosity mixed with independent drinking can lead to the understanding of yet another baby product & AH-HA moment. Specifically, why it's good to purchase things labeled "spill proof!"
Other New Parent AH-HAs: Why it's good that baby books have thick cardboard-like pages, because teething babies will destroy them! Why it's good that babies throw food on the floor, because while crawling they may want a snack! Why it's good that plastic bags come with suffocation warnings, because babies LOVE them like catnip! Why it's good that one giggle or smile erases a day full of frustrations, because they are worth it & won't be babies forever!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hooray Presents!

The other day we were pleasantly surprised with a curious delivery of Sesame Street Legos from K'NEX. Elmo is always a big hit here! Unfortunately there were no clues within the packaging to know who the mystery sender was. So John would like to say a big Thank You to "The Oh So Generous Unknown One."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Bad" Baby

Here is my little budding car dancer jamming to Micheal Jackson's classic "Bad." For the inexperienced, "car dancing" involves restricted rhythmic movements with extreme hand gesturing, head bobbing and enthusiasm. This activity while fun can be reckless and unsafe when a baby is behind the wheel and when driving at high speeds, not to mention embarrassing when caught by fellow drivers. It is favorable to practice this type of dancing with the car stopped or in park, and if possible with heavily tinted windows.

"mirror, mirror....."

".....oh Taggies triangle mirror who knows all, who's the handsomest of them by far!"

"Do you think I'm cute?"

"I think I'm cute, obviously. But figuring out my most photogenic side is not always easy, right profile or left profile. My rear profile is probably my favorite and most visiable to parent paparazzi."


In addition to John's daily repertoire of throwing, chasing and eating, he actively enjoys "piling." Not to be mistaken for the common milestone term "stacking." Stacking implies a gingerly situated tower of blocks or cups. John's engineering involves a wide assortment of objects chosen at random, forming a lumpier profile that tends to ooze then collapse. As my husband would point out, much like my method for doing laundry.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rockin it....

...for more than 30 years. The first photo is of me with my baby doll in a rocking chair made by a family friend in 1977. Little did I know my real baby John would be perched in that same chair 33 years later!