Saturday, May 22, 2010

Notes from the nurse to all of her homes' orifices…(WARNING blue humor below!!!)

My husband came home from work the other evening more sullen than usual and announced he felt old. He didn't like the idea of turning 35 and felt middle aged because he had quote "butt problems." That's right folks he had his very 1st, very middle aged hemorrhoid (care of the Evil Turds.) He therefore had to buy his very 1st, "very embarrassing" tube of Preparation-H among other uncomfortable accoutrements. Hoping to deflect the drug store clerk's attention he added a box of tampons to his pile of rear end remedies. The theory being that the check out person would assume his wife had sent him, and what a mess SHE must have going on down below. I assured him his tactic was most clever and effective (sigh), then drew him a bath of Epsom salts.

So ladies if your significant other has any embarrassing purchases to make in the future remember this advice, just add a box of tampons!

Addendum: Sarah's blog humor maybe a bit PG at times (aka not so clean.) She means only to entertain, never to offend.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahahahah thts sooooo something anthony would do i love you guys more and more!
