Thursday, September 30, 2010

Speedy Gonzalez-Guthrie

194 knots and a 24 knot tail wind baby!!!
That's my kind of flight!

Captain Marvin

54WhiskeyMike was employed to whisk me away this weekend for my Birthday Bonanza with Catbird and her flock in Stuart. The weather, air traffic and pilot's pure excellence made this commute sublime and a wonderful start to another "29th" Birthday!
Thank You Oh Father of Flight!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jabber Johny

John has in his possession an old cell phone. I have no idea to whom he is speaking or what they are talking about, but it sounds very important. Eric's sassy input, "Maybe he takes after his mother who sometimes speaks simply because she likes the sound of her own voice."

Toe Jammin

Elton John's got nothing on Eric John!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Uncharted Toothbrush Territory

Toothbrushes are good for a lot of things. Besides dental hygiene, John likes to play the drums with them, scrub his toy dinosaurs clean, use them for emphasizing and pointing. Today in the bath he found a new benefit....BUTT Scratcher. After itching the itch only a toothbrush could reach, he then immediately and before I could effectively react, stuck it in his mouth. When my shocked mommy brain came-to, I relieved him of the tainted tool and disposed of his beloved pink toothbrush permanently. Toothbrushes are GOOD for a lot of things, but there are some places it is BAD for them to venture!
Signed, Mother of the Gross and Unexpected

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yellow Chair

"Behind me is my yellow chair, which I am told was my Great Grandpa Guthrie's and came all the way from Africa thanks to Aunt Shelia. I'm now big enough to demonstrate my sitting ability in it, swing my legs and point my toes. It's fun being able to do big boy stuff. Did I mention I can also now reach door knobs....oh the fun to be had and the trouble to come!"