Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas at a glance...

The whole gang spent Christmas day at my mother's and there followed a frenzy of family fun!
"After my birthday and Christmas Eve I've got the hang of the ripping process. Practice, Practice, Practice!"

John is giving Allison hugs ,not slugs, here. Obviously my action shots need some work, so forgive the blurriness of this photo, though keep in mind the exercise of toddler hugging can be a very vigorous one.

Santa Stocking AKA "Boot"

"I've never met this Santa guy and I don't know how he does it, but I'm liking him... I'm liking him ALOT!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"cake" action

Birthday Beards!

Though Allison and John had different methods for eating their cake they both ended up with chocolate frosting facial hair and happy tummies!

John's Birthday Bash!

Lots of loot and lots of loved ones made John's 2nd Birthday lots of fun! Thank you to all who came to party hardy at the "Not So Clean House" (which will not be that pristine again until next year.)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holidaze Shopping

" my favorite area of the grocery store, the banana area, getting some festivity food shopping done..."

"OOOOO sweater sale at Old Navy, now that's what I call a fantastic Christmas gift idea. I wonder if they have battery operated/singing sweaters"

Monday, December 20, 2010

Birthday Finale

"Somehow we ended the evening, without clothing, (kinda) sharing cake."


"This is my cousin Allison. She came dressed and accessorized ready to celebrate her 1st birthday at Miss Sally's. I was there to share in the festivities and help out with the cake."

"I also love sharing my passion for musical toys (as you can see here I am demonstrating the singing birthday teddy bear.) Another fun toddler tip I enjoyed sharing with Allison is my enthusiasm for repetitively pressing buttons. A party isn't a party without a robotic voice crooning one refrain over and over and over. It adds to the atmosphere and I find it quite relaxing."

"I love Mum Mum rice snacks and Miss Sally has an abundant supply so I have one readily available most of the time ...that is until Allison sees them..."

"Pssst could I get some more snacks ....peeezze!!!"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Allison!

"It's my cousin Allison's 1st birthday today and we are having a belated celebration this weekend so I did a little shopping. WOWZA was there ALOT of pink! I like this particular outfit because it's so sparkly there is no need for accessories.... decisions, decisions, decisions..."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

potty mouth

"Lately Mom's been breaking out my owners manual and paying attention to certain chapters. The result of which has been alot of activity involving the bathroom and alot of potty mouth talk. I don't know where this is all going but hey I up for learning new activities especially ones where I can squat and snack."
-signed, John the Genius

According to the instructions in John's main owners manual aka "What to expect the Toddler Years" it is very important to use "evacuation vocabulary" (poo poo, wee wee, you get the idea) when starting the potty training process. So I mentioned to John that when big boys go poop they put their poop in the potty. John then swiftly exited the living room and preformed what I'd call a dress rehearsal where he sat fully clothed on his training potty with his snack and some light reading material.
-signed, Sarah who isn't counting her chickens quite yet but has her fingers crossed

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The leaves are changing and fall is upon us so John "donned" (pun intended) the good old orange and blue this weekend. The legs have some room to grow (that's the reason why his pants are rolled up around his waist) but our little gator was nice and warm. Thank you for the suit Prokes family!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Treat aftermath

Chocolate does a body good!

Trick-O-Treat ("yes cow hat")

John hat compliant and looking MOOOOverlous!!!

Trick-O-Treat ("no cow hat")

"Buckle me up, this cow is ready for the candy rodeooo!!"
For John's first Trick-O-Treat I dressed him quite economically and with minimal alterations as a cow. With the warm weather, Walmart's fabric of choice and John's distaste of "hats" we made an early evening of it and half the time in full cow suit. A big thank you to Miss Connie for letting us come graze in her pasture/neighborhood, which has sidewalks and lots of friendly candy filled homes.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010


Had to get John spiffed for Halloween and Ele knew just what to do! Trick him into his first big boy haircut with a treat, his very first lollipop.