Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hello from blogger's purgatory! For a time things in the "Not So Clean House" got rather messy before straightening themselves right again. My titles and hats (even the name of this blog) since then has changed. Two years ago today on our anniversary I aired my love for my husband of 5 years and love of 20. But Eric the Great turned out to be not so great after all and life as it does on occasion unraveled for a period. Without getting too grimy, my now ex-husband was in a battle with addiction of which our family fell victim  Lines were crossed and then ultimately signed upon. I now find myself after what feels like an eternity of muddy wading rebuilding my life as a single parent shedding the mire of an old life and stepping into a new opportune one.

This first post back I dedicate with gratitude to all of those in my life who supported, comforted, listened and whom often bit their tongues in order that my son and I could pass through the fire of this terrible time and emerge stronger and safer. It is an understatement to say I've been humbled by their generosity of character and patience.

As another great John sang "all you need is love..." of which we both have been the most grateful recipients. John and I cherish you all.