Sunday, August 22, 2010

Miss Connie

"One of my favorite baby sitters during gym time is Miss Connie. While mommy grunts and groans we play on the stairs, with my ball, read books and have snacks. She is pretty awesome!"

John @ the gym

Part of our weekly schedule is to go to Miss Sally's gym, where I attempt to lose some of the 50 pounds I gained during my pregnancy. And I try to whip my front half, which feels like it's on vacation, into shape. While I am sweating away, John snacks, admires himself in the mirror and enjoys bouncing the resistaballs.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun n Sun

...little does he know this is all a mommy plot to exhaust him into submission/nap ...little did I know this swimmie diaper dynamo doesn't go down that easy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wildlife and Worrying

"Hi, Hi, Hi"

Today John's attention was caught by the nice neighbor lady's cat who came to investigate something it posed as curious and then promptly in cat fashion turned away uninterested. I was very thankful for our new fence that keeps John the Sporadic Adventurer within the confines of the yard. And even more thankful when I was told later that afternoon by another senior neighbor that our fence was a good idea because it would keep out coyotes....and alligators?! He explained this was "important" because alligators and coyotes like to "loaf" babies as well as small pets! Silly me, I was worried about ants bites and bees stings.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Eric the Comedian

Yesterday's self affirmation with frig magnets.....

and today my husband's addition!!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to look cool...

"...just put on a tiny yellow robe and walk around on your tippy toes. Yes I realize my duckie robe is a little short, but I prefer/enjoy a breezy fit. It's all good in my duckie hood!"
(Note Mommy's handy work on the frig, I'd take credit for it but who are we kidding it's a little out of my reach!)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shake IT!

"Rockin out from the left to right, Shakin my booty is what I like!"

DiDi & BobBob Weekend

"Grandma DiDi is a great chef. She had strawberries, blueberries and of course lots of cheese for me to eat. The way to my heart is through my tummy!"

"I played ball with the guys and showed off my skills. My kicking is pretty rad. Grandpa Bob is a great soccer coach, I think I impressed him!"

"Unfortunately Uncle Brandon had to go to work (baby sigh of sadness.) This is him all spruced up for an evening of cashier fun at Publix."

"I did so much stuff and had so much fun it made Holly tired!"

And then it was time to say..."Until next time!"

From the parents of John Master of Dancing, Running, Screaming, Eating Fun,

There are no words...

The "Not So Clean House" was a buzz with the arrival and successful mounting of the Bjorn training potty. John's pediatrician gave the go ahead to get him a potty so he could start practicing and mimicking. Though we aren't technically starting the potty training regime the thought of entering the no diaper stage has me tickled hot pink and induced more than a few cartwheels! Below is John in action and me giving fanatical positive reinforcement.

Mommy Bird's Eye View

Who needs a chair when you have a soft warm lap with built in pillows!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bouncy Fun

I like my ball. I like it alot. Thomas the Train is the ball I've got. The Beautiful Aunt Susan gave it to me and when I play with it I say "Yippee!"

Jibber Jabber

You have to listen very closely & might need a translator but his communication skills are improving. Other John words: up, this, out, book and of course more juice!

Monday, August 2, 2010