Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advanced Cat Yodeling

One of my all time favorite utube kitty videos ever. Yes I have more than one favorite and yes I have attempted to master the skill of cat yodeling. Unfortunately Mo & Joe's skills aren't vocal ones.

On the Mat

J is for John "I love my new play mat" and Joe "You'd better keep your claws & hairballs off the new play mat." (purchased from my new favorite online store and copycatted from my favorite sister Catbird!)


"Hello my name is John and I am a Sippy-cup Addict. I can go for hours without putting down the juice. My addiction has led me to become quite skilled at accomplishing all sorts of tasks one handed!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nothing Untested

Inspired by my sister's playroom, I created a little table area for John to color, race cars and hammer things. And here he is happily enjoying his new space.

And now this is why mommy disassembled it. (Note the sippy cup still in hand)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Creepy Kitty Couple (rated PG)

Found at the website, this photo strikes fear in the hearts of men who date cat lovers. And we who own cats can't decide whether it's a case of abuse, bad taste or a psychological disorder. I love how their blissful faces, filled with love for food, felines, and freedom from clothing, clashes with the cats' obvious unhappy thoughts and possible revenge. My husband's reaction was pretty strong; "wwwhat is that...reching/gaging....thanks honey now I'm gonna have scary kitty nudists nightmares!" So we learned today that this is not a good festive holiday card image (unless of course your friends are neked, fluffy, cat lovers too!) But it makes for really good conversation and a coffee table book.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleepy Boy

And we are a growing boy at 21.7 lbs. and 30 plus inches. John got an A plus and a sticker during his doctors visit today. He walked straight into the office, down the hall with the nurse and came to an abrupt halt at the exam room. Our memory is sharper than anticipated! There were some tears and alot of squirming but we are super healthy.
Oupa, the beautiful Aunt Susan, Sugar and Uncle Donald were also visited/entertained by John today. I would like to thank them all for making him smile and getting him ready for nap time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Enthusiastic Eater

And now a quick clip titled "How to make a mess messier!" inspired by cousin Allison!

"What do you think of your new seat?"

A picture can say more than words sometimes, and I think these say "I like it." I know I do, it's easy to clean with room to grow!

Monday, July 12, 2010

grass action

" feels so soft and squishy on my toes!"

a walk in the grass

Actually it's more like a stand in the grass. John will stand, squat and wobble as if he has on cement galoshes in the grass. But our feet are finally off the deck and we are loving the new yard!

Mommy tried to kill the Bumbo

If you live in a messy house things are bound to get broken. Inspired after one of John's enthusiastic meals, I decided to super clean the Bumbo in the dishwasher. I have learned not such a hot idea literally, note the dimpled plastic and slightly askew tray. Sigh...I tried!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My little mountain goat

John is a busy boy as of late. Since mastering my mother's staircase last week we have become crazy for climbing and added "up up" to our vocabulary. Fingers crossed, we have had no horrific falls yet nor are we able to escape our crib.


"I need to get working on my fitness, this puffy tummy is becoming ridiculous."

upside-down day

...just exploring things from a different angle and getting my stretch on!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

crayon face

It's been a coloring bonanza here in the "not so clean house" since purchasing our first box of crayons. As you can see not only are they fun to draw with but they're mighty tasty too!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Climber in action

Here are some live action videos with lots of squealing and cheering on, our little man loves an audience!

The Climber

John accomplished a first on the Fourth of July this year. He is an official stair climber. And after making several successful ascents to the summit with only one spill (we're still working on the descent) maybe even a master stair climber. Now I'm trying to figure out how to simulate it at home because this new activity makes for FANTASTIC naps.

Cookie Monster

Obviously this picture wasn't taken at my house and pretty much speaks for itself. John is making a mess of his peanut butter cookie and his Sugar (Miss Sally) is vehemently trying to clean it up.